Thursday, April 28, 2016

A Few Of My Favorite Things

Rebekah tagged me for this tag.

The Rules:
-Write down ten of your favorite things
-Tag at least three others!

1. My family! 

2. Airsoft.

3. Licorice, but only red. Black is yuck.

4. Fruitloops. They are so good, but I don't get them very much.

5. Guns. I don't know why, but they're cool.

6. Knives. So far I have over 20 of them.

7. Movies.

8. Audios. Especially Adventures in Odyssey. 

9. Taekwondo. 

10. Swimming. 2 years ago we had mosquito larva growing in our pool.


  1. Thanks for doing the tag, James! :)
    I agree with you about licorice, only the red kind is good. ;)

  2. Great! Speaking of airsoft, are you coming to the one at my house this Saturday? :)

    1. Since it's canceled, no, but we're going to the one on the 28th.

  3. That's a lot of knives! My sister's best friend's younger brother has a ton. (And he's only like 8 years old!!!)
